OORT Digital brings true monetization to NFT world

2 min readApr 18, 2021


NFT craze has speed up in last couple of months. We have already seen million dollar prices for NFT art and Crypto Punks pixel art entering Christies auction. But NFT can be more than a pure desire to have some rare digital art. It can provide yield to NFT holders which is part of DeFi industry. And this is what Oort Digital makes possible for NFT assets.

Oort Digital has designed a dApp that enables users to borrow and lend their NFTs. If you are NFT holder you are able to lend your digital asset to another user for agreed time for particular rate e.g. for 8 hours for 0.5 DAI per hour.

Let’s have a look what NFT can be and how you can use it in Oort marketplace:

  • an image — piece of digital art — you have virtual gallery and would like to borrow some NFT art for an event.
  • a video — you can borrow a movie like we did in old days
  • some music — you can borrow some rare tracks to use them on your event
  • a magic sword — you can borrow it to accomplish your mission but it is too expensive to buy it at the beginning of your quest in some metaverse
  • a virtual supercar — you can borrow it to drive it in some metaverse
  • digital key to some estate — you can borrow it to spend a weekend in some cool place
  • some card to power up your yield farming — you just exit your successful trade and have some capital to park on yield farm, you can borrow the card to maximize your gains

Possibilities are endless. Oort Digital is a game changer in DeFi and NFT.

For more information About Oort Digital:


Official Website:https://oortdigital.tech/




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